
Manufacturers, service providers and users work together with the Fraunhofer Institutes on projects to research, develop, test and demonstrate novel system solutions that integrate product components of all kinds into the living environment. Examples include energy-saving solutions and assisted living systems that enable senior citizens to live independently in their own homes. This provides inHaus-partners with new market opportunities and valuable insights for their future projects. These activities take place in the inHaus1 building’s Living Lab and technology workshop.
Modern and comfortable, energy-saving and easy to operate – the demands that we make of our living environment are manifold and change constantly. The inHaus-Center offers a professional environment for the development of new technology solutions, system solutions and application solutions to determine which requirements must be met by future living concepts.
For example, new beneficial effects result from the data integration of appliances and building systems. This makes their operation simple and intuitive. All of a house’s important functions can be controlled from a mobile touch pad or an iPhone. Even functions requiring complicated settings, such as central security, can be controlled easily this way.
Energy consumption is influenced to some extent by the occupants of the building. For this reason, energy management must take their behavior into account. The goal is to realize a high level of comfort while using as little energy as possible. In the future, integrated building management systems will be able to adapt even more efficiently to the occupants’ behavior and needs.
It is also the goal of the inHaus teams to develop solutions that are based on networked buildings. In such smart villages, strategies can be applied to regulate energy consumption (smart grids), new forms of care for senior citizens can be developed, and service solutions can be realized. All of this allows a better balance between family life and work.
The communication and marketing of new offers to individuals or professional end users provides the inHaus business partners (planners, manufacturers, service providers, suppliers) with new opportunities. In order to ensure that laboratory solutions are successful in the market, the inHaus “Living” business unit acts in a consulting capacity for the practical implementation of pilot projects.